seo support

The web agency can help you with your natural referencing!

Our web agency can help you boost your search engine rankings.

SEO strategy, web performance… Our team of experts will support you from the SEO strategy to the analysis of the implementation of your SEO optimizations.

Let’s work together to design a web strategy for high-performance SEO!

Our web support

Search engine optimization strategy

Search engine optimization strategy

SEO optimization

SEO support

Positioning analysis

SEO support

Web copywriting

Web copywriting

Web features and performance

Personalized follow-up

Why implement an SEO strategy?

Over 80% of Internet users never go beyond the first page of search results.

Objective: differentiate yourself from the competition and boost your visibility with your target audience.

Implement a visibility strategy to be first on Google.

Become the first result on Google

Do you want to invest in the long term and boost your website’s traffic?

A SEO strategystrategy to meet your challenges.

Why invest in SEO?

Vous souhaitez optimiser les performances de votre site web et booster votre visibilité.

Organic search traffic is 5.66 times greater than paid search traffic .

Good SEO generally goes hand in hand with good content, for qualified traffic and better positioning.

  • Traffic statistics
  • Site positioning on Google
  • Semantics, keywords, backlinks, internal linking…
  • SEO monitoring & strategic consulting

Ready to go?

Prêt·e·s à mettre en place une stratégie SEO ?

Support for natural search engine optimization (SEO)


Questions about your SEO strategy?

The web agency responds!

What is SEO?

SEO stands for Search EngineOptimization.
Better known as natural search engine optimization( SEO refers to “any technique used to improve a website’s position on search engine results pages“.

Why do SEO?

Get the right information to the right users at the right time! By positioning yourself on keywords and search queries.
In concrete terms, a website is said to be well optimized or referenced if it ranks on the first page of search engine results for the query (keyword or set of keywords) searched for.
What are the objectives of paid search?
Increase overall visibility: when used properly, SEA can be a powerful tool for boosting your site to the top of the results! In the short term, SEA can significantly increase the visibility of a company, brand or product on the market.
Generate leads through targeted traffic: by positioning your links on specific queries.
Convert and increase your sales: with pre-qualified traffic, you increase your chances of conversion, and therefore sales !

How do you set up an SEO strategy?

An effective SEO strategy lies in the design, maintenance and updating of your SEO strategy. So you don’t have to put up with your keywords: exploit and optimize them!

How do you choose the right keywords for your SEO strategy?

Choosing the right keywords is the key to your SEO strategy. It will guide you in the writing of your content and the structure of your website. The keywords you choose should be representative of your industry and not too technical (unless you’re targeting a very specific B2B field 😉 ). Above all, you need to put yourself in your target user’s shoes and ask yourself, “What is he going to type into Google if he wants to find you in his search results?”
One last key point: analyze your competitors’ keywords to differentiate yourself!

How can I optimize my site and content?

To optimize your site and your SEO content, there are 3 key elements: textual and visual content, technique and netlinking! This includes your visuals in Webp format, the integration of your keywords, the performance of your website, the weight of your pages and images, the setting up of backlinks… We can help you with all these aspects! Shall we get started?

Bring your ideas to life

Let’s build your project together!

Accompagnement Design UX-UI

Accompagnement Design UX-UI

Convert your visitors into engaged users.
Our UX-UI design combines the art of the User Journey with an elegant and functional interface to create seamless navigation, all the way to conversion.
Mobile App Conception and Dev

Mobile App Conception and Dev

Opt for a Mobile First approach.

Our teams develop tailor-made web and mobile applications, adapted to your audience and your business challenges, to create a direct connection with your users and prospects.eurs et prospects.
Intranet / Extranet development

Intranet / Extranet development

Simplify your internal organization.

We design intranet and extranet sites tailored to your business, to boost your productivity with ease.

SEO Support

SEO Support

Develop your online presence.

Our SEO consulting and support service helps you strengthen your SEO strategy, to reach a qualified audience for your business.